CI/CD Pipeline for Private AKS: Integrating Azure DevOps, Terraform, Private ACR, Azure SQL DB, Application Gateway, Azure Key Vault, and Storage

CI/CD Pipeline for Private AKS: Integrating Azure DevOps, Terraform, Private ACR, Azure SQL DB, Application Gateway, Azure Key Vault, and Storage


This document explains how to set up a CI/CD pipeline using Azure DevOps, Terraform, and different Azure services to deploy a web application on a private AKS cluster. The deployment is automated and ensures secure communication between services.


Before diving into this project, here are some skills and tools you should be familiar with:

Need to create a PAT Access Token-

  1. Azure Subscription: An active Azure subscription is required to create and manage resources.

  2. Azure DevOps Account: An Azure DevOps account to create and manage pipelines.

  3. Terraform: Installed on the local machine or configured in the Azure DevOps pipeline.

  4. Azure CLI: Installed on the local machine or configured in the Azure DevOps pipeline.

  5. Service Principal: Created in Azure AD for authentication and authorization in the pipeline.

Technologies/Services Used

  1. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): For deploying the web application in a private cluster.

  2. Azure SQL Database: For storing application data.

  3. Azure Container Registry (ACR): For storing Docker images.

  4. Azure Application Gateway: For load balancing and routing traffic to the AKS cluster.

  5. Azure Virtual Network (VNet): For isolating resources and enabling secure communication.

  6. Azure Private Endpoint: For secure access to Azure services within the VNet.

  7. Azure Key Vault: For storing secrets and sensitive information.

  8. Azure Log Analytics Workspace: For collecting and analyzing logs.

  9. Terraform: For infrastructure as code to automate resource creation.

  10. Azure DevOps: For creating CI/CD pipelines.

Key Points

  1. Architecture Overview:

    • The architecture includes multiple VNets for AKS, ACR, and self-hosted agents.

    • Virtual Network Peering is used to enable communication between VNets.

    • Private Endpoints are used for secure access to Azure services.

  2. Build Pipeline:

    • The build pipeline includes tasks to build and push a Docker image to ACR.

    • Terraform configuration files are published as pipeline artifacts for use in the release pipeline.

  3. Release Pipeline:

    • The release pipeline is linked to the artifacts published by the build pipeline.

    • It includes stages for deploying resources to AKS using Terraform.

    • Auto-scaling and alert configurations are set up for the web app.

  4. Terraform Configuration:

    • Separate files for providers, variables, and main configuration.

    • Variables are stored securely and referenced in the configuration files.

    • The configuration includes creating VNets, AKS cluster, ACR, SQL Database, Application Gateway, and Private Endpoints.

  5. Service Connections:

    • Azure DevOps service connections are created for authentication with Azure and Docker Registry.

Setting Up the Infrastructure

First, we'll create the necessary virtual machines using terraform code.

Below is a terraform Code:

Once you clone repo and run the terraform command.

$ ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089  690 Jan 31 15:01
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089 6115 Jan 31 15:01
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089 3011 Jan 29 09:47
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089  921 Jan 24 13:03
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089  675 Jan 30 11:41
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089  813 Jan 24 13:03
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089  326 Jan 24 13:03
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089  924 Jan 30 11:29
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089 4248 Jan 31 20:36 terraform.tfvars
-rw-r--r-- 1 bsingh 1049089 3727 Jan 30 11:58

You need to run the following terraform command.

Now, run the following command.

terraform init
terraform fmt
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform apply 
# Optional <terraform apply --auto-approve>


Once you run the terraform command, then we will verify the following things to make sure everything is setup via a terraform.

Inspect the Cloud-Init logs:

Once connected to VM then you can check the status of the user_data script by inspecting the log files

# Primary log file for cloud-init
sudo tail -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
sudo cat /var/log/cloud-init-output.log | more
  • If the user_data script runs successfully, you will see output logs and any errors encountered during execution.

  • If there’s an error, this log will provide clues about what failed.

Detailed Steps

  1. Setting Up the Architecture:

    • Azure Repos: Store the source code and Terraform configuration files.

    • Azure Storage Account: Store the Terraform state file securely.

    • Build Pipeline: Configure tasks to build and push Docker images.

    • Release Pipeline: Configure tasks to deploy resources using Terraform.

  2. Configuring the Build Pipeline:

    • Build and Push Docker Image: Use Docker to build the application image and push it to ACR.

    • Publish Terraform Files: Publish Terraform configuration files as pipeline artifacts.

  3. Configuring the Release Pipeline:

    • Initialize Terraform: Initialize the Terraform working directory and download the necessary plugins.

    • Apply Terraform Configuration: Apply the Terraform configuration to create resources in Azure.

    • Deploy Web App: Deploy the Docker image to AKS.

    • Configure Auto-Scaling and Alerts: Set up auto-scaling rules and alert notifications.

  4. Terraform Configuration Files:

    • Provider Configuration: Define the Azure provider and authentication details.

    • Variable Definitions: Define variables for resource names, locations, and other configurations.

    • Main Configuration: Define the resources to be created, including VNets, AKS cluster, ACR, SQL Database, Application Gateway, and Private Endpoints.

  5. Creating Service Connections:

    • Azure Service Connection: Authenticate with Azure for deploying resources.

    • Docker Registry Service Connection: Authenticate with ACR for pushing Docker images.

Step-by-Step Process:

Configure Service Connection

  • First, create Service Connection in Azure Devops.

  • Once you create a connection, make sure to note down the connection name, as it will be used in the pipeline.

  • On the agent machine, ensure you are logged in with Azure and that the connection is active. If not, log in using the following steps.

      az login --use-device-code
  • Need to Create a service Connect in the pipeline first.

    • Azure Service Connection







Update Secret variable value details.

  • Update secret variable value first

    • update servicePrincipalId

    • update servicePrincipalKey

    • update tenantid

    • Step-01. Go to the key vault and update the value (Azure UI)

  • Update the other two values in the same way.

    • Step-02. Update the secret in the Library at Azure DevOps

    • Step-03. Link secrets from an Azure key vault as variables..

Update changes in Repo code as per project details.

  • Repo (Infra-as-code)

    • Step-01: script file need to be updated from agent-vm folder

      • update the Organization and PAT token


    • Step-02: Update Service Principle Name from private-acr Folder

      • To get the Service Principal's name

        • List Service Principals:
        az ad sp list --query <query_string>

        az ad sp list --query "[].{Name:displayName, AppId:appId}" --output table

        # filder with name for your service account
        az ad sp list --query "[?starts_with(displayName, 'Azure')].{Name:displayName, AppId:appId}" --output table
  • Update the Service Principal name:


Build a YAML pipeline.

  • Following is the sequence to create the setup using the pipeline.

    • VNet (Network/Subnet)

    • Agent VM

    • Azure Container Registry

    • SQL Database

    • Application Gateway

    • AKS Cluster

  • Step-01: Build YAML pipeline as below:

  • Image




    Adjust the parameters for vNet Job.

  • Image

  • Adjust the parameters for vm Job.

  • Image

  • Adjust the parameters for acr Job.

  • Image

  • Save and run the pipeline.

  • Image

  • Adjust the parameters for db Job.

  • Image

  • Adjust the parameters for appgateway Job.

  • Image

  • Adjust the ssh key in library for AKS cluster

    • SSH public key need to be updated


Run the pipeline.

  • Image

Install SQL package on Agent VM.

  • Open a PuTTY session for the virtual machine and install the required SQL package to check SQL connectivity.

    • install mssql-tools

      • sudo apt-get update

      • sudo apt-get install mssql-tools -y

    • Find the sqlcmd executable:

      • ls /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd
    • Add the sqlcmd directory to your PATH:

      • nano ~/.bashrc

      • export PATH="$PATH:/opt/mssql-tools/bin"

    • Apply the changes:

      • source ~/.bashrc


  • Verify the installation:

    • sqlcmd -S <server_address> -U -P -d <database_name>


  • Convert SQL cred to base 64
echo ",1433;Initial Catalog=yourdatabase;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=yourusername;Password=yourpassword;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;" | base64


  • Decode base64 cred to Normal.
 echo "U2VydmVyPXRjcDpldGlja2V0ZGJzZXJ2ZXIzMDAxMjAyNS5kYXRhYmFzZS53aW5kb3dzLm5ldCwxNDMzO0luaXRpYWwgQ2F0YWxvZz1ldGlja2V0cy1kYjtQZXJzaXN0IFNlY3VyaXR5IEluZm89RmFsc2U7VXNlciBJRD1henVyZXVzZXI7UGFzc3dvcmQ9cGFzc3dvcmRAMTIzO011bHRpcGxlQWN0aXZlUmVzdWx0U2V0cz1GYWxzZTtFbmNyeXB0PVRydWU7VHJ1c3RTZXJ2ZXJDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZT1G" | base64 -d


Connect AKS cluster on Agent VM.

  • Run the following commands to connect AKS cluster

    • Login to your azure account
    az login
  • Set the cluster subscription
    az account set --subscription <ID>
  • Download cluster credentials
    az aks get-credentials --resource-group rg-devops --name aksdemo --overwrite-existing


Verify Application Accessibility.

  • Try to access application gateway IP in the browser and you will below the error message



Build the second pipeline (Application).

  • Build application pipeline

  • Image

  • run the pipeline.

  • It will ask for permission and approve it.

  • Image

  • Update the deployment.yaml file as below (SQL Connection)

  • Image

  • AKS deployment is waiting for approval

  • Image


  • I was getting an error imagepullbackoff and noticed that the SQL connection name was having a problem. To retrieve and update the string from Secret.

  • Retrieve and Update the Connection String from the Secret.

    • Since you're using a Kubernetes secret for the database connection, check the secret value:
    kubectl get secret db-connection-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.connection-string}" | base64 --decode
  • Pipeline status

  • Image

  • Image status

  • Image

Update the image name in the manifest file.


Congratulations :-) the application is working and accessible.

  • Application is accessible now.


  • Try to create account in website.

  • Image

  • Following are the cred to login into webpage

  • Image

Pipeline for Cleanup Infra Setup.

  • Following are the sequence to delete the setup using pipeline.

    • AKS Cluster

    • Application Gateway

    • Azure Container Registry

    • SQL Database

    • Agent VM

    • VNet

  • Here is the 👉Updated pipeline👈

Environment Cleanup:

  • As we are using Terraform, we will use the following command to delete ssh_key, Vault and Storage account.

  • Run the terraform command.

      Terraform destroy --auto-approve
  • I was getting below error message while deleting the setup

  • Image

  • Rerun the destroy command again and it will delete ResourceGroup as well.

  • Image


This project showcases a strong CI/CD pipeline setup using Azure DevOps, Terraform, and various Azure services. By automating the deployment process, it ensures efficient, scalable, and secure deployment of a web application on a private AKS cluster. Using Terraform for infrastructure as code offers flexibility and easy management, making it a valuable approach for modern cloud-based applications.

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